Emerge Group Rules
Session fees
Administrative fee
Back balances
Moving to Second Stage
Drugs and alcohol
Group behavior
Sleeping, smoking, and eating
Cell phones and other activities
We expect you to attend every session. We understand that during the 40 weeks of the program something may come up which will force you to miss group. When this happens, we expect you to call or email at least 24 hours in advance to talk to your group leader or leave a message. Your message should include your name, your group leader’s name, as well as the day and time your group meets and a description of why you are unable to attend.
If your absence is for a valid reason (counselor’s discretion) and you have called 24 hours in advance of the group you will be missing, we will consider not charging you. If you miss a second group in any 8-week period or call less than 24 hours before group, you may be charged regardless of the reason for the absence. If you are missing group for a medical reason, you are expected to bring in documentation.
If you miss more than 2 (two) group sessions during an eight-week period, you may be subject to termination.
We ask that you arrive before the scheduled start of your group so that we may start group on time. No one will be allowed into a session more than 15 minutes after the announced starting time. You will be charged for groups that you miss because you are more than 15 minutes late. You will not get any credit for groups that you are unable to attend due to lateness.
You will be charged a weekly fee for every week that you are in the program. This fee is set by the Clinical Director using your income verification and is based on a sliding fee scale. If your income changes at any time, we expect you to bring in proof so that your fee may be reset. We offer a community service alternative for indigent clients. This does not cover any additional fees you may incur due to late sessions, bounced checks, or fees for failure to provide advanced notification of absences.
Starting on your 3rd week in the group and every 8 weeks after that, you will be expected to pay an administrative fee equal to one week’s fee. The Administrative fee pays for all work that occurs on your case outside of group time.
We expect you to pay weekly or in advance. However, we do understand that you may miss a week of payment for a variety of reasons. You are responsible for notifying us if you are having financial problems that make weekly payments difficult. You will be allowed to attend the group if you do not have your weekly payment if your balance is less than double your weekly fee (so if you have a $30 weekly fee, you can attend group as long as your balance is not greater than $60). If your balance is greater than double your weekly fee, you will not be allowed into the group. This missed group will be considered an absence. All fees must be paid in order to complete the program.
You must have a balance of $0 before you move from the First Stage to the Second Stage.
For 24 hours before and 24 hours after groups, group members are asked to abstain from drugs and alcohol.
Group members are expected to be respectful to each other and the group leader. Any group members not being respectful (i.e., yelling, intimidating, mocking, etc.) may be asked to leave the group and risk termination from the program.
For groups on video, please be in a private area with no one present. If you are interrupted or cannot maintain privacy, you may be removed from the group.
Please use the bathroom before or after group, since it disrupts the group to have people leaving during the meeting. If you must use the bathroom during a video group, please notify your group leaders via the chat function.
Sleeping during your session will result in no credit for the session. Smoking and eating are not permitted during your Emerge group.
Cell phone use is not permitted during your group. During video groups, you must remain seated (not standing or laying down). You must keep your video on during the group and maintain your camera’s position so your group leaders can see you. Doing other activities during the group (i.e., watching TV, walking your dog) is not permitted. Use of other electronic devices during group is not allowed.
Audio or video recordings of Emerge groups are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Recording any Emerge group will result in immediate program termination and Emerge may pursue legal action.